
Durham News

Durham Herald-Sun – “beautiful tone colors and infectious grooves”

Duke Chronicle – “Kotch blurs the boundary between club DJs and American minimalist composers”

Duke Arts Journal – “cool, hip, and exciting” -Professor of Composition, Stephen Jaffe

WKNC 88.1 FM – “a gorgeous blend of digital and acoustic”

Classical Voice of North Carolina – “wonderful beats and smooth transitions…a thrilling experience”

The State of Things – interview – May 8, 2012

Newmusicbox Staff Pick 2012 – “There’s much I love about the original, and even more about Alex’s, which manages to bring together seemingly disparate elements into a work that speaks to me on so many levels…It’s got three of my favorite things, all at once: a killer dance beat, a Meredith Monk-esque vocal line, and epic horns.” -Clara Schuhmacher, Development Manager for Institutional Giving

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